Does anyone else find Sundays the mos akward dont know what to do with yourself kind of day?
For most people its a lazy day with or without hangover and a time where lots of pepople will eat there body weight in junkfood with the goal of 'Im going to start healthy eating tomorrow' when really they know thats not going to happen. For the lucky ones who are still students or dont have work on a Monday its a crazy ass Sunday sesh that only has the effect of being totally uncontrolable on a sunday (i.e. its impossible to get that drunk or to be as random any other day!). For me I really miss when I was a student and every Sunday was a Super Sunday football supported by a 12 hour drinking session.
As I have a job where my shifts vary each week I dont tend to benefit from the build up to looking forward to the weekend, the 'Friday feeling' ot the dreaded Monday shift creeping upon me however I do find Sundays ridiculously boring!
Anyone else wake up on the Sunday with a hangover and lie in bed all day feeling sorry for yourself then come Sunday night think 'What a waste of a day'? Or how about when you don't go out and you wake up feeling fresh as a daisy but then are that bored you wish you had a hangover as an excuse for doing nothing. Every now and then I am required to work a Sunday, mostly Sunday nights, and I genuinly cant wait to get to work for something to do!! Then regret feeling like this half an hour into the shift as the pub rapidly fills up with numpties that have been drinking all day or neds that cant handle their drink. Anyone who works in a pub will probably agree that Sundays attract the most random of clientele and can deteriate a good mood quicker than the time it takes to neck a shot!
Despite the number of people who have asked me to go out and do something today I have successfully not even set foot out of the flat all day! It is now almost 10 oclock and due to lack of motivtion and any physical movement I can already tell I'm going to have a crappy nights sleep!
So to conclude a bit of a pointless boring are Sundays!!
Lisaloo x